In 2021 I will celebrate 30 years of working in the development cooperation sector. I started out as a veterinarian and ended up working on a wide range of issues in the agricultural sector.
In the 1990s I lived in Central America, between El Salvador and Nicaragua, working first for Veterinarios sin Fronteras, and then for Intermón, with the Cordes Foundation and PROCOMES on rural development, micro-enterprise and credit projects.
In 2006 I returned to work for Oxfam Intermón as an advisor on rural development projects, which allowed me to visit around twenty countries in Africa and Latin America.
In 2011, with the food crisis, my relationship with the Sahel began, in the local cereal reserves. I collaborated on the ECOWAS Regional Food Security Reserve construction project, on projects related to cereal cooperatives in West Africa and how to link them to state and national grain reserves.
Since February 2021 I work as a consultant, and on this website Estatera.org I offer a space for knowledge exchange, consultancy services and training in rural development.
2021 marks the thirtieth anniversary of the first project I worked on, the construction of a silo for livestock and the ensilage of two hectares of sorghum in the Silvio Centeno cooperative in Palacagüina (Nicaragua).
Images: Nicaragua 1991
my work as an editor and author of studies
Much of my work at Oxfam has been as an editor and author of studies on rural development issues such as grain stocks, agricultural insurance, livestock and agricultural policy. I offer my services as an editor and author of studies and terms of reference, editing and “fixer”: improving studies that have not reached the expected quality, rather than discarding them.
References as co-author
Coste, J., Pons-Cortès, G., Blein, R., & Lompo, M., Eds. (2020). Mémento du stockage de proximité en Afrique de l’Ouest. ARAA/CEDEAO. 308 p. https://bit.ly/2SEbHSe
Coste, J., Pons-Cortès, G., Blein, R., & Lompo, M., Eds. (2020). Handbook of Local Food Reserves in West Africa. RAAF/ECOWAS. 304 p. https://bit.ly/3xhkcRY
Pons-Cortès, G.and Gómez Carrasco, I. (2016). Coping with food price volatility: the contribution of local food reserves.In Garrido et al. (Eds.), Agricultural Markets Instability: revisiting the recent food crises(pp.151–157). London and New York: Routledge. https://bit.ly/39vFjX6
Vandercam, F., Pons-Cortès, G.. & Blein, R. (2016). Ensuring the Viability of Local Food Storage Systems in West Africa and Promoting their Growth. 1–48. SOS Faim-Oxfam. https://bit.ly/39uufZY
Vandercam, F., Pons-Cortès, G., Mees, M., Blein, R. & Brismé, C. (2016). Assurer la viabilité et promouvoir le développement des systèmes de stockage alimentaire de proximité en Afrique de l’Ouest. 1–48. SOS Faim-Oxfam. https://bit.ly/3i25SaK
Bonnet, B., Pons-Cortès, G., Tankari, I. & Vilches, M. (2016). Projet pilote de mise en œuvre de la Réserve d ́Aliment du Bétail (pp. 1–96). https://bit.ly/3lOqJj3
Bonnet, B, Pons-Cortès, G., Tankari, I. & Vilches, M.. (2016). Pilot project for the implementation of a livestock feed reserve (pp. 1–90). https://bit.ly/2WaNWTS
Belemviré, A., Gómez-Carrasco, I. & Pons-Cortès, G. (2015). Impacts des interventions d’OXFAM sur les capacités organisationnelles des unions du réseau Mooriben et sur les conditions de vie des communautés. 1–41. https://bit.ly/3i1IQkx
Pons-Cortès, G.. & Belemvire, A. (2013). ÉTUDE DIAGNOSTIQUE DE LA VIABILITÉ DES BANQUES DE SOUDURE AU GUÉRA (TCHAD). 1–87. https://bit.ly/2XFqTRx
Pons-Cortès, G.. & Gómez-Carrasco, I. (2013, January). Première Ligne de Défense: Évaluation du potentiel des stocks de proximité dans le Sahel. Oxfam. https://bit.ly/3lLwVbw
Pons-Cortès, G. & Gómez-Carrasco, I. (2012, October 23). First Line of Defence. Assessing the potential of local food reserves in the Sahel. Oxfam. https://bit.ly/3kznrAF
References as co-editor
Stoppa, A. & Dick, W.(2018). Assurance Agricole au Burkina Faso : Défis et Perspectives (pp. 1–68). Oxfam. https://bit.ly/3zAky6Z
Stoppa, A. & Dick, W. (2018). AGRICULTURAL INSURANCE IN BURKINA FASO. Challenges and perspectives. (pp. 1–68). Oxfam https://bit.ly/3kIVMO5
SUÁREZ, I. (2018). L’effet du warrantage sur la réduction des inégalités et la construction de la résilience : Le cas de la FEPAB au Burkina Faso. 1–60. OXFAM. https://bit.ly/3AJzBfg
Kaboré, S. (2016). En ordre dispersé : PNSR 2010-2015 : Des progrès encore insuffisants dans la mise en oeuvre de l’approche programme dans le secteur rural au Burkina Faso. (pp. 1-32). Oxfam. https://bit.ly/3AF0Vfw
Suárez, I. . & Sánchez, E. (2015). Protection sociale et sécurité alimentaire au Burkina Faso : Les boutiques témoins. 1–56. Oxfam. https://bit.ly/3p3zFEi
Sánchez, E. & Suárez, I. (2015). Protection sociale et sécurité alimentaire au Burkina Faso: Les cantines scolaires. 1–46. Oxfam. https://bit.ly/3j3QYl8
Sánchez, E. & Suárez, I. (2015, October). WARRANTAGE PAYSAN AU BURKINA FASO. Oxfam. https://bit.ly/3FLy7Vw
Crola, J.-D. (2011). Preparing for Thin Cows: Why the G20 should keep buffer stocks on the agenda. 1–19. Oxfam https://bit.ly/3o4NrWH
Crola, J.-D. (2011). Prepararse para las Vacas Flacas. Por qué el G20 debe mantener en su agenda las reservas de alimentos. 1–22. Oxfam.
Crola, J.-D. (2011). Se préparer aux vaches maigres : Pourquoi le g20 doit maintenir les stocks de regulation à l’ordre du jour. 1–21. Oxfam.
Pons-Cortès, G. & Ferrer, J. (eds) (2008) Derecho que no se defiende, derecho que se pierde. Seis estudios sobre el trabajo en medios de vida sostenibles. Cuadernos de Cooperación, Oxfam Intermón.
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